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Natus Vincere
(9:16, 12:16)

Matches of teams

Natus Vincere - mousesports

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Win 1

Prediction: Natus Vincere (NaVi) have the advantage over Mousesports (MOUZ) in this match. In previous encounters, NaVi have shown a high level of gameplay and creative team work. They have a stronger roster and more experience compared to MOUZ. The odds on NaVi also look attractive, considering their past success and form. MOUZ hasn't reached the same heights as their opponent and doesn't have as successful results. They may struggle to adapt to such a high level of play and experienced opponent. Additionally, NaVi have shown a good performance in the previous tournament, which should positively impact their preparation and motivation. All factors point towards a possible victory for NaVi in this match.

Win 2

The players from team MOUZ are in great shape and have shown high-level team play in the playoffs. Especially noteworthy are players like frozen and ropz, who have proven themselves as strong individual players. Meanwhile, NAVI has been showing inconsistency lately and often struggle against lower-ranked teams. They have lost several tough maps and often rely heavily on s1mple's individual performances. The absence of a stable captain can also have a negative impact on the NAVI team. Taking all these factors into account, MOUZ has excellent chances of winning this match. They have an advantage in team play and can neutralize the individual skills of the NAVI players. I would dare to suggest that MOUZ will emerge victorious in this match.

TO (2.5)

Judging by the arguments in the text, it is assumed that the match between NaVi and Mouz will be very close and interesting. Both teams are strong and have their advantages. NaVi have a high rating and are favored in terms of odds, however, they have recently been losing the first maps and are not as consistent in their gameplay. On the other hand, Mouz is ranked one spot higher and shows good results. They have a refreshed lineup, and though they are not yet entirely stable, they have the potential to make the match interesting and fight for a map. A prediction for the match can be made in favor of three maps. Both teams can show strong gameplay and fight until the end. It is possible that the first map may not go in favor of NaVi, as they have been losing first maps recently. However, Mouz has strong players and is capable of taking at least one map. Thus, it seems reasonable to predict three maps and a battle for victory. Both teams have their advantages, and the outcome of the match can be unpredictable, but an intriguing and exciting game is expected.


Based on the data, the new Na'Vi lineup hasn't quite found their rhythm yet and hasn't shown consistency. At the same time, Mousesports always puts up a tough fight against Na'Vi and has often come out on top in previous matches. However, Na'Vi are currently the favorites and have more potential to secure the victory. The previous match between these teams ended with a score of 2-1 in favor of Na'Vi. This could serve as motivation for Mousesports to demonstrate their strength and potentially win at least one map. Mousesports certainly won't just sit back and do nothing; they will try their best to put up a fight. It is expected to be an interesting and challenging series throughout. Ultimately, I believe Na'Vi will come out as the winners, but the game won't be easy and we may see a score of 2-1 in their favor.


I predict a victory for the MOUZ team in the match against Natus Vincere with a score of 2-1. There are several arguments that support this prediction. Firstly, MOUZ is a strong team capable of dealing with opponents. Their new lineup looks promising, and they are displaying good gameplay at the moment. Secondly, MOUZ has good results against Natus Vincere in the past. They have previously defeated this team, which suggests the possibility of repeating that success. Thirdly, the condition of Natus Vincere raises some doubts. Lately, they have not been showing their best game and are experiencing some difficulties. However, it is important to note that Natus Vincere also has their strengths and can display good gameplay, especially considering their experience and previous encounters with MOUZ. They might be able to turn the situation in their favor and take at least one map. Overall, the predicted outcome of the match is a MOUZ victory with a score of 2-1, but it is important not to underestimate Natus Vincere as they are capable of creating surprises and making the game interesting.

2:0 (2)

According to the analysis of the text and provided information, I predict a victory for the Na'Vi team in this match. There are several main arguments confirming this assumption. Firstly, Na'Vi are one of the favorites in the tournament and have more experience and successes than their opponents, Mouz. In previous matches, Na'Vi have always emerged victorious against Mouz. Secondly, Na'Vi are currently in good form and showing quality gameplay. Especially notable is the performance of s1mple, who is one of the best players in the world. He has already showcased his exceptional skills in the previous tournament, so it can be expected that he will continue in the same vein. Thirdly, Na'Vi have a new roster, which may bring new tactics and strategies that will be challenging for Mouz. Taking all of these factors into account, it can be concluded that Na'Vi have an advantage over their opponents and the likelihood of their victory is high.

Sports Analyst Predictions

Win 1
TO (2.5)
Win 2
2:0 (2)
H1 (-1.5)