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(4:13, 13:11, 11:13)
Natus Vincere

Matches of teams

ENCE - Natus Vincere

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Win 1

My prediction for the match between Na'Vi and Ence is a victory for Ence. Despite not being able to bet for or against Na'Vi, it can be said that the team is currently not in the best form. They are clearly having issues and are not playing at their usual level. Additionally, their key player s1mple is currently unavailable to play, which greatly affects the team dynamics. On the other hand, the Ence team also has changes in their lineup, with a new captain, but their player Aleksib has a lot of experience and can take on a leadership role. Perhaps this will give the team an additional boost and increase their chances of winning this match. Taking all of this into consideration, I lean towards the Ence team having a better chance of winning this match against Na'Vi. However, as always, there are no guarantees in sports and anything can happen.

Win 2

My prediction: Natus Vincere will defeat ENCE. The reason is that ENCE has shown low form, losing in their last game, while Natus Vincere looks more stable. Additionally, ENCE has problems with roster changes, while Natus Vincere already have a well-coordinated team. Natus Vincere have players capable of making decisions in difficult situations and can secure important rounds. Based on these factors, I believe Natus Vincere have a better chance of winning this match.

TO (2.5)

In this match between ENCE and Natus Vincere, both teams are facing a challenging situation. ENCE is currently going through feverish changes after a roster shuffle, but even in this state, they were able to put up a fight against Cloud9 on the second map. On the other hand, Natus Vincere showed inconsistent performance in their previous match against Vitality. In such a situation, I expect the match to be unstable and the competition to go down to the wire. Therefore, betting on three maps seems like a sensible choice. It's difficult to predict the exact score and winner as both teams exhibit inconsistent gameplay.


Based on the last game between Na'Vi and Vitality, it can be concluded that the team showed a good game. Despite the loss, Na'Vi demonstrated a solid strategy and coordination. This indicates that the team has the potential for further success. An important factor in Na'Vi's success was the performance of individual players. They showcased their skills and had excellent moments in the game, confirming their high level. It is also worth noting that the team showed good teamwork. Players interacted with each other and effectively distributed roles in the game. In light of these results, it can be said that Na'Vi has the potential to win the next match. The team showcased their abilities and posed challenges to one of the best teams. It should be noted that predicting the outcomes of sports competitions is always a risky endeavor, and making definitive conclusions based on a single match is not advisable. However, considering Na'Vi's performance in the last game, it can be confidently stated that the team has the potential for victory. It remains to be seen if they can continue their successful gameplay and achieve the desired result.


Navi showed a good game despite the loss in the first match. They were active on the field and showed good team synchronization. However, their opponents - Ence - were unable to demonstrate good gameplay at all. Their moves looked unconvincing and their teamwork left much to be desired. Based on these facts, it can be assumed that Navi will dominate in the second match and they have a good chance of completing the game with a score of 2-0.

2:0 (2)

In this match, I believe that ENCE will have an advantage and win two maps. The main reason for this is the hero selection. They will most likely choose Mirage, which is not surprising for the ENCE lineup. The team's players have a good mastery of this map and can showcase their skills. Additionally, ENCE is known for their flexibility and ability to adapt to different playstyles, which makes them formidable opponents. While ENCE may not have a signature ace, their top pick is Vertigo, on which they have an impressive win rate of 71% across 7 maps. Considering their strong lineup and leadership in map choices, I expect ENCE to win this match with a score of 2-0.

Sports Analyst Predictions

2:0 (2)
Win 2
Win 1
TO (2.5)