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The "ZAZU44" Telegram channel promises profit, as its creator is a former administrator of Stavka TV. Even a well-known person, Viktor Gusev, is subscribed to the channel. These factors suggest that the channel may provide quality and profitable predictions. Considering the creator's experience and the support from a famous personality, it can be assumed that the forecasts will be well-founded and quite successful. According to the announcement, places on the channel are limited, which may indicate its popularity and demand among users. Provided that the channel indeed offers successful predictions, subscribing to it could lead to an increase in one's capital.
Blacklist International looks more confident and successful compared to LGD Gaming in the current tournament. At the end of the first group stage, they showed excellent gameplay and even secured a convincing victory against the Chinese team. Statistics and analysis show that Blacklist International has the advantage as a team. Considering their excellent form and high level of play, it is more likely that they will be able to dominate in this match, winning convincingly against LGD Gaming.
Prediction for the LGD Gaming vs Blacklist International match at Riyadh Masters 2024: historically, BL won their last meeting 2-0, making them the favorites. However, two consecutive wins for BL could be challenging. LGD have shown good gameplay at the tournament. Therefore, considering a draw outcome at 1.90 is worth considering, as the likelihood of a close game is high.