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Team Liquid
(17:19, 5:16)

Matches of teams

Team Liquid - ENCE

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Win 1

Based on the information given, it can be inferred that Team Liquid is likely to win. The text mentions that they have performed well after a short break, while Ensu is in need of rest after a taxing tournament. It is also noted that Team Liquid has an advantage in individual player skill and on longer distances. They have strong shooting, preparation against opponents, the use of grenades, and the ability to handle stressful situations, as well as a high number of clutch wins. Additionally, motivation is very important to the Team Liquid players, as they cannot afford to make mistakes and will need to show good results to stay in the game. Taking all of this into consideration, it can be concluded that Team Liquid has better chances of winning in this match.

Win 2

Forecast: ENCE victory. ENCE has been showing excellent gameplay recently and currently holds the 4th place in the world rankings. They performed well in IEM Cologne, only losing to G2 in the finals. The team demonstrates stability and good synergy among players. On the other hand, Liquid is still adapting to new players and has not been able to showcase their best performance. Additionally, the unique sniper style of SunPayus may pose problems for Liquid. Despite the unpredictability of the match, ENCE has a clear advantage and a higher probability of winning.

TO (2.5)

It is difficult to predict the outcome of this match between Team Liquid and ENCE. Both teams have their advantages and disadvantages. Team Liquid started the season well, but recently showed inconsistent play and suffered several defeats. On the other hand, ENCE showed good results at the IEM Golden tournament, reaching the final but losing to G2. This indicates that ENCE has potential and can give a tough fight to strong teams. Both teams have the ability to win on different maps, so there is a possibility that the match will go to the third map. Overall, we can expect an interesting and tense battle between these teams.


Based on the fact that the teams haven't played each other in a while, one can expect a cautious game and a possible long match. Team Liquid, which the author believes is underestimated, has shown its strength and made it far in tournaments despite being seen as an underdog. Therefore, it can be assumed that Liquid will demonstrate a high level of play and have a good chance of winning this match. However, at the same time, it is not wise to overestimate the power of Navi, which can also show good gameplay and prove to be a strong opponent. Thus, the prediction for this match may be ambiguous.


The forecast for this match is a victory for ENCE with a score of 2-1. First of all, it's important to note that ENCE is in excellent form and has a high position in the rankings. Their gaming skills and teamwork have significantly improved. They have been showing consistent and high-quality results recently. On the other hand, Liquid is a very unpredictable team. They can win 2-0 in any match, but they can also lose. Their playing style is based on long rounds and patience, which allows them to hook onto the map and create tension for their opponents. However, ENCE knows how to adapt and has experience playing against different team styles. They can analyze and study Liquid's gameplay approaches, which will help them develop an effective strategy against them. Therefore, considering ENCE's current form and skills, as well as the unpredictability of Liquid, my forecast is a victory for ENCE with a score of 2-1. They possess stability and the ability to adapt to different opponent playing styles, which will give them an advantage in this match.


Based on the analysis of the provided information, I believe that ENCE has an advantage over Liquid. ENCE consistently shows good gameplay and has strong players like Yekindar. Additionally, their position distribution is well-balanced and objective. It is important to note that even lower-tier teams have been able to defeat Liquid, indicating their predictability and readabili

2:0 (2)

The forecast for the match between Liquid and ENCE is ambiguous. Both teams have their strengths and experience playing at a professional level. Liquid has shown itself as a disciplined and closed team with good side selection. Additionally, they have Yekindar, who shines both on pistols and any other weapon. On the other hand, ENCE is also a dangerous opponent. Although it is the same lineup as before with the Poles, they still remain a strong team. At the stage of the first match, defeat will not be critical, so they can play quite relaxed and unpredictable. But at the moment, Liquid probably has a slight advantage. In any case, the outcome of the match may depend on the pistol rounds and the economy. Perhaps Liquid will be able to take an early lead and use it to their advantage, but ENCE is capable of turning the situation in their favor. Ultimately, the outcome of the match can be very close.

Sports Analyst Predictions

TO (2.5)
Win 2
Win 1
2:0 (2)