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G2 Esports
(16:13, 13:16, 13:6)

Matches of teams

G2 Esports - Heroic

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Win 2

Forecast: My forecast is that the Heroic team has good chances of winning against the G2 team. Heroic is a more cohesive team and has been showing good results, unlike G2, which has been struggling with roster issues. I believe Heroic can win this match and I recommend placing a bet on their victory. This match might potentially be a long one and could end with additional maps, so considering a bet on additional maps is also worth considering. Both teams are very strong, so the map selection could be crucial. Overall, betting on Heroic's win or on additional maps could be a good option for this game.

TO (2.5)

According to the analysis, Heroic has a strong lineup with players who demonstrate good individual skills. Nicodoz and NertZ are key players for the team who are capable of making a significant impact on the game's outcome. On the other hand, G2 is facing some issues as players nexa and Hooxi are currently struggling to meet the high expectations. However, the potential of G2 should not be underestimated, as they have experience and the ability to adapt to difficult situations. The match is likely to be competitive and intense, with both teams striving for victory. Therefore, an atmospheric and exciting game can be expected, where each team will try to showcase their best skills and tactics. Ultimately, the result will depend on who can better adapt to the circumstances and utilize their potential.

H1 (-1.5)

Based on the available information, the following forecast can be made: the team "Heroic" has an advantage in the form of two correct maps, which can significantly impact the outcome of the match. However, the team "G2" is a worthy opponent and is likely to give a tough competition to their opponents. Perhaps "G2" will pay special attention to defensive play in order to handle "Heroic's" attacks. Nevertheless, there is confidence that "Heroic" will be able to successfully resist and realize their gaming potential. Ultimately, an exciting and tense match is expected, where the teams will fight for victory.


Based on the current form of both teams, it is difficult to predict the outcome of the match between G2 and Heroic. The G2 team has not shown outstanding results since the era of their old lineup, and Natus Vincere's loss without s1mple suggests that they have problems. On the other hand, Heroic showed good play against BIG and, despite changes in the lineup, they have potential. However, it should be noted that the absence of experienced players like cadiaN, stavn, and niko may affect the teamplay and communication within Heroic. This could give an advantage to G2, who have players with rich experience and leadership qualities in their lineup. Predicting the outcome of the match remains a difficult task, but considering the current form of the teams and their lineups, it can be said that the fight will be evenly matched. The victory may lean towards G2, thanks to their experience and more balanced lineup. However, Heroic should not be underestimated, as they have the potential to make an unexpected breakthrough. Overall, the match could turn out to be intense and interesting to watch.

2:0 (2)

According to the provided information, Team Heroic often loses 2-0 to average tier 2 teams. This indicates that their opponents have a greater strength and experience compared to them. Considering this fact, it can be assumed that the French team has good chances of winning against Heroic. Additionally, it is important to consider that the French team likely has a greater motivation and desire for success. They may be interested in proving their strength and stepping up to a new level. This motivation and ambition can serve as an additional factor for surpassing Heroic. Also, it is worth considering that Heroic already has a negative experience of losing to tier 2 teams. This can affect their self-confidence and belief in their abilities. Meanwhile, the French team is likely to be in a fairly good psychological shape as they have not yet faced such defeats. All these arguments indicate that the French team has an advantage and may have a positive outcome in the match against Heroic. The likelihood of them winning 2-0 will be higher, considering Heroic's previous results against tier 2 teams. However, in esports, any outcome is possible, and it will all depend on the current form of the teams at the moment of the competition.

Sports Analyst Predictions

Win 2
H1 (-1.5)
2:0 (2)
TO (2.5)
H2 (1.5)
Win 1