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Prediction for the match between Fnatics and Bigi. I believe that Fnatics are in better form than Bigi. They have defeated strong teams that Bigi could not handle. According to statistics, Fnatics have won more often against Bigi in their matchups. Therefore, I recommend betting on Fnatics to win. For more detailed information and other bets, subscribe to my telegram channel: Bets on CS2 and Combat Sports.
Based on previous performances, the team BIG showed an excellent game on the first day and demonstrates consistent results. At the same time, Fnatic is not in its best form and looks unstable. Because of this, it is considered that team BIG has the advantage in this match. However, in esports there are always many factors that can influence the outcome of the game, so the result can be unpredictable. It is assumed that BIG will be able to continue its successful game and secure a victory over Fnatic. Betting on team BIG can be justified based on their current form and results.