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I think that the match between Natus Vincere and fnatic will be interesting. Na'Vi could face difficulties against fnatic, who are not always predictable. However, looking at their current form and results, I am inclined to give the advantage to Natus Vincere. They show consistent results, including against strong teams. I predict that on the Mirage map, Na'Vi will be able to show their best and win with a -5.5 handicap. But it is important to remember that in the world of esports, everything can be unexpected, so stay tuned for updates and changes.
The match between Na'Vi and Fnatic is the main sensation. It's always risky to play a one-map match, but Na'Vi showed a good game in the last match. Although Fnatic is not a standout opponent, as their successes are often overestimated. A victory for Na'Vi is considered likely, but an unexpected turn of events cannot be ruled out.