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A forecast for the match Abu Kair Samad - Gomhoreyat can be made based on data on the current form of the teams. Abu Kair Samad has shown consistent results and has a slight advantage in the standings over Gomhoreyat. The team had a good performance in their last match, winning against Misr Lel Makkasa with a score of 2-0. However, considering that they have scored only 17 goals in 17 matches, it is expected that their attacking game may not be very effective. Gomhoreyat Shibin also has a positive momentum and secured an important victory in their last match. They have accumulated a total of 14 points and managed to score 10 goals. Considering their scoring ability in recent matches, it can be expected that they will be able to put up some resistance. Therefore, the forecast for the match may be uncertain. Although Abu Kair Samad has a slight advantage in the standings, their attacking game may not be at the highest level, while Gomhoreyat shows good results and is capable of scoring goals. My forecast would be: the home team's individual total will be under 1.5.