In the match between "Nykobing" and "Aarhus Fremad", a victory is predicted for "Aarhus Fremad". The team is showing strong play, occupying 3rd place in the standings and has a high level of performance. In their head-to-head meetings, "Aarhus Fremad" has won all 4 times, not giving "Nykobing" any chances of winning. "Nykobing" is facing a tough situation at the start of the season, as they are in last place with only 1 victory. In previous games between these teams, the goal difference was 15:1 in favor of "Aarhus Fremad". Everything points to a confident victory for "Aarhus Fremad" in this match.
Год назад, Нюкёбинг была на 5 месте в таблице с 18 очками. Сейчас они на 12 месте с 3 очками.
Нюкёбинг без побед над Аархус Фремад в последних 4 играх.
Нюкёбинг имеет проигрышную серию из 4 матчей дома