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Our prediction for the match between Villefranche and Dijon is based on the current form of the teams. Villefranche sits in 9th place in the table, has inconsistent results, and only 1 win in their last 5 matches. Villefranche also has a weak goal difference. On the other hand, Dijon has been showing stable results and occupies 4th place. They have recently won matches and achieved draws, with only 2 losses in their last 5 games. Furthermore, Dijon is fighting for promotion in the tournament. Considering these factors and the teams' form, we predict that Dijon has a better chance of winning this match, especially with a handicap (0) to secure a draw in case of a tied score. Villefranche should be prepared for a strong opponent and strive to earn crucial points, but Dijon currently appears more confident.