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Today, in the 1st division of Turkey, there will be a match between Erzurumspor and Bodrumspor. Based on the current form of the teams, it can be assumed that Bodrumspor has an advantage. They are in 4th place in the league table and have accumulated 32 points. In their last five matches, they have shown good results with 3 wins and 2 draws. Bodrumspor has the best defense in the league, having conceded only 13 goals. It is worth noting that they have not lost in 7 consecutive matches. Erzurumspor, on the other hand, is in 12th place with 4 wins, 6 losses, and 8 draws. Their recent games consist of 3 draws and 2 losses. In their previous match against Bandirmaspor, they failed to score any goals, indicating problems in their attack. The bookmakers' odds also confirm Bodrumspor's advantage in this match. Based on all these factors, it can be concluded that Bodrumspor has a greater chance of winning in this encounter.