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In the match between "UTA Arad" and "Petrolul", there is likely to be a draw. Petrolul is currently in 4th place in the league and has been showing consistent performance, not losing to opponents in the last 10 matches. On the other hand, UTA Arad showed improvement in their last match by defeating a strong opponent. Both teams have the potential to play well, and the outcome may end in a draw.
В домашних матчах УТА Арад не проигрывает Петролул в последних 4 встречах.
Домашняя статистика УТА Арад в сезоне 0-6-0
Эрик Джохана Омонди получил больше всего желтых карточек (4) в УТА Арад. Пауль Папп получил 3 в Петролул.