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In the match "Dinamo Bucharest" - "Universitatea Craiova" a high-scoring game is likely. "Dinamo Bucharest" shows consistent performance and will strive to compete against the table leader. Both teams have a high goal-scoring capability in the current season. "Universitatea Craiova" leads, attacking confidently but may be vulnerable in defense. Personal statistics also support a high-scoring game. Previous encounters show the superiority of "Universitatea Craiova," which will motivate "Dinamo Bucharest" to play more attacking football. All this makes a high-scoring match with goals scored by both teams possible.
Астрит Селжмани лучший бомбардир Динамо Бухарест с 4 голами. Александру Митрица забил 5 раз за Университатя Крайова
Выездная статистика Университатя Крайова в сезоне 2-1-0
Динамо Бухарест без побед над Университатя Крайова в последних 8 играх.