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In the match between Aris and Nea Salamina, the advantage is on the side of the home team. Aris is in excellent form, having not suffered any losses in 7 games, occupying the second place in the table and having the best goal difference. Meanwhile, Nea Salamina is struggling, with only one win and six losses. Historically, Aris has often emerged as the winner in matches against this opponent. Therefore, the prediction for the Aris - Nea Salamina match is: Aris to win with a handicap (-1.5).
В домашних матчах Лимассол не проигрывает Фамагуста в последних 4 встречах.
Домашняя статистика Лимассол в сезоне 2-1-0
Фамагуста без побед над Лимассол в последних 4 играх.