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In this match between Doxa Katokopia and Apollon Limassol, they have been experiencing different results lately. Doxa Katokopia is currently in last place in the league table and has been struggling in attack, suffering a heavy defeat in their last match with a score of 1-5. The team has only won two games out of 19, indicating their poor form. On the other hand, Apollon Limassol occupies 7th place and has better stats, winning eight matches and accumulating 29 points. The team also has the advantage in head-to-head matches, winning 29 games against Doxa. Taking these factors into account, as well as Doxa's attacking shortcomings, it can be assumed that Apollon has a higher chance of winning this match. However, in football, there is always room for surprises, so the result of the match remains unpredictable.