In the match between "Stjarnan" and "Hafnarfjordur" in the Icelandic championship, the most likely victory is "Stjarnan". "Stjarnan" has a more stable form and is fighting for the bronze prize places, while "Hafnarfjordur" has shown unsatisfactory results in recent games. In addition, "Stjarnan" has beaten "Hafnarfjordur" in their recent meetings, demonstrating their superiority. Considering these aspects, it is more likely that "Stjarnan" will win this match.
В домашних матчах Стьярнан не проигрывает Хабнарфьордюр в последних 3 встречах.
Хабнарфьордюр без побед в последних 6 играх.
Хабнарфьордюр без побед над Стьярнан в последних 4 играх.