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In the match between Ferencvaros and Ujpest, Ujpest have a chance to score against the clear favorite. Ferencvaros is in good form and performed well in their last match, earning 6 points from 2 games. At the same time, Ujpest has shown a high level of finishing, winning convincingly in their last game and currently occupying 7th place. However, historically Ferencvaros has dominated the encounters, winning 12 out of 13 matches against Ujpest. It is likely that Ujpest will be able to score a goal, so a bet on the away team's handicap could be reasonable, especially considering that Ferencvaros is focused on their upcoming match in the Europa League.
В домашних матчах Ференцварош не проигрывает Уйпешт ФК в последних 15 встречах.
Мохамед Али Бен Ромдан лучший бомбардир Ференцварош с 2 голами. Матия Льюжич забил 2 раз за Уйпешт ФК
Уйпешт ФК без побед над Ференцварош в последних 16 играх.