In the match between "Slavia" and "Arda", we can expect a battle between two teams with different seasons so far. "Slavia" currently occupies the 10th place, having 2 wins and 2 losses. On the other hand, "Arda" is in 8th place with 3 wins and 3 losses. In their recent matches, the teams have shown different performances, but "Arda" has the advantage in scoring goals and victories in their head-to-head meetings. Taking into account the goal statistics and recent successes, I predict a total of over 2 goals in this match.
Арда Карджали проиграл 3 выездных матчей подряд.
В домашних матчах Славия София не проигрывает Арда Карджали в последних 6 встречах.
Выездная статистика Арда Карджали в сезоне 0-0-3