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In the match between "Vålerenga" and "Lillestrøm", a victory for the hosts is predicted. "Vålerenga" is leading in the table, has a convincing form, and home advantage. The team has gathered 42 points, won 13 out of 19 matches, and scored 50 goals. The opponent, "Lillestrøm", is in 10th place with only 21 points. In previous encounters, "Vålerenga" has beaten "Lillestrøm" twice. Considering the good form and statistics of the teams, a victory for "Vålerenga" is predicted in this match.
Mees Rijks лучший бомбардир Валеренга с 9 голами. Olsen Anders Bjornvedt забил 8 раз за Люн
Валеренга не проигрывает в последних 11 играх.
Люн не проигрывает в последних 4 играх.