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In the match between the Kraken and Pittsburgh, we can see that the Kraken rarely loses to their opponents from Pittsburgh. Based on this, we can conclude that the Kraken has a better chance of winning. Additionally, in their recent games, the Kraken has shown a strong attack, scoring at least 4 goals. This indicates that the team puts significant pressure on their opponents and is capable of capitalizing on their offensive opportunities. On the other hand, it is worth noting that Pittsburgh is also a strong team with experienced players. Even if the Kraken can utilize their attacking abilities, Pittsburgh can always respond to the attack. However, considering the form and results of recent matches, and taking the odds into account, we don't have a bet on Pittsburgh. Therefore, we predict the Kraken to win with all the arguments derived from that. However, it is important to remember that hockey is a predictable sport, and outcomes can always be unpredictable.