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In this case, the prediction for Corda to win has certain grounds based on the analysis of the current form of the players and their previous encounters. Compared to Fucsovics, Corda has been showing better results in recent matches. He has impressed with his performance in the previous rounds of the tournament, defeating experienced and accomplished opponents. Additionally, Corda is on the path to his first major victory, which motivates him to continue striving for success. It is also worth noting Corda's advantage in age and physical fitness. Today, he will have an easier time coping with the physical demands, which can give him an edge in the match. The analysis of previous head-to-head encounters between these players also supports the prediction in favor of Corda. He has a positive record in matchups against Fucsovics, which can influence Corda's self-confidence during the match. Finally, it is worth mentioning the support of the fans. The atmosphere in a tournament often plays a significant role, and if Corda is in a comfortable environment and receives support from the stands, it can have a positive impact on his game. Taking into account all these arguments and factors, there is every reason to believe that Corda is stronger and has a greater chance of winning this match. However, in sports, one can never be absolutely certain, and Fucsovics may show an incredible game and surprise everyone.