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Andreev Adr.
Zapata Miralles B.

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Andreev Adr. - Zapata Miralles B.

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Forecast for the match between Adrian Andreev and Bernabe Zapata Miralles: Both tennis players have not had the best season, but Adrian Andreev has managed to establish himself in the top 200 rankings, while Bernabe Zapata Miralles is still in the top 100. In the last tournament in Szczecin, Adrian reached the quarterfinals where he lost to Shevchenko. However, he was able to defeat Gaston earlier. Zapata Miralles tried to help the national team in the Davis Cup, but had an unsuccessful match against Mahach. He has not trained on clay since the unsuccessful US Open. Considering Andreev's good form and Zapata Miralles' lack of preparation on clay, it is recommended to focus on the victory of the Bulgarian player. Therefore, betting on Adrian Andreev is more preferable.

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