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Based on statistics and previous matches, Alexandar Koppianis always keeps his opponents at a sufficient distance regardless of the outcome. He has excellent game control skills and tactics, which makes him a consistent player. Even if Kimmer manages to recover from the previous defeat, the likelihood of Koppianis winning again is quite high. However, considering their previous encounter where Kimmer was able to withstand the competition and not lose by a large margin, the safest bet would be to take Kimmer's game handicap (+2.5). This means that even in case of Kimmer's defeat with a difference of two or fewer games, the bet will be winning. This prediction is based on the fact that Kimmer has enough experience and ability to handle players of Koppianis's level. Yes, he may eventually lose, but the probability of him at least keeping the match on a positive game handicap is quite high. Additionally, playing with a handicap allows us to have a small "insurance" in case of unexpected circumstances and increases the chances of the bet being profitable. Therefore, based on analyzing the situation with consideration of previous results and players' abilities, it is recommended to bet on Kimmer's game handicap (+2.5) in this situation.