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Martа Kostyuk versus Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova - a match that promises to be interesting. Both tennis players are in good shape, but there are several arguments in favor of Pavlyuchenkova. Firstly, experience. Pavlyuchenkova has a lot of experience playing at the professional level, while Kostyuk is just starting her career. This could affect her ability to perform in key moments of the match. Secondly, skill. Pavlyuchenkova is a more refined player who knows how to utilize a variety of shots and tactics to secure victory. Kostyuk, although talented, sometimes lacks initiative and doesn't always respond well to her opponent's challenges. And finally, motivation. Kostyuk, as a young player, will undoubtedly be eager to showcase her skills and defeat a more experienced opponent. However, this could lead to some nervousness and lack of confidence. Based on these factors, I predict that Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova will win this match. Her experience, skill, and ability to handle pressure will allow her to overcome the resistance from Marta Kostyuk.