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Based on the statistics and previous performances, in this match between French tennis player Luke Van Ache and his Chinese opponent, we can expect a tense game. Luke Van Ache has shown better results on this surface, having played more matches and with a higher winning percentage. He has more experience playing indoors, which could give him an advantage. However, his opponent is capable of causing difficulties for Luke, given his victories on this surface. Taking into account the mentioned factors, the probability of victory for each player in this match is estimated at around 50%, making the outcome of the match quite unpredictable.
I suggest the following forecast: Gilles Simon has shown his best game on hard courts this season, demonstrating stability and endurance. It is also worth noting that he performed well at similar tournaments last year. At the same time, Mannarino has been active on indoor courts this year and has a high level of skill in his game, making him a dangerous opponent. The result could be 3-1 or 3-2 in favor of one of the players after a tense battle.
In this match, I suggest taking the plus handicap on Luka Van Ash. Although he is not as experienced as Jun Chen Shan, Van Ash plays better on fast surfaces, and also has experience in this tournament, reaching the semifinals last year. Shan has a poor record indoors and does not show consistent results. Also, after the break, there may be time to regain form for Van Ash, so I predict a fighting and successful game for the Frenchman.