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In this fight, Ovince Saint Preux will likely win by knockout. Ovince is known for his powerful strikes and knockout ability. If he can continue to attack strongly and confidently, there is a good chance he will force his opponent to quit before the end. However, it is important to consider the activity and fighting style of his opponent - if Saint Preux starts to show passivity, it could increase the opponent's chances. Therefore, betting on Ovince to win by knockout may be based on his skills and fighting style, but it is important to monitor his activity during the fight.
Ryan Spann has excellent physical attributes and tactical thinking, making him a promising fighter in the heavyweight division. His fighting style, combining powerful strikes with solid defense, allows him to effectively handle a variety of opponents. However, his opponent OSP, while a seasoned veteran, shows a lack of emotional motivation and interest in fights, only stepping in for a paycheck. OSP's recent fight was more of a statistical anomaly, considering the idiocy of his opponent. Spann, on the other hand, is not a genius in martial arts, but his motivation and determination are not in doubt. Therefore, Spann is likely to outwork the veteran, possibly even finishing the fight early, taking advantage of OSP's lack of interest in the bout.