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It is expected to be an exciting fight between Imavov and Allen. Imavov has an impressive winning streak and has shown a high level of technique and physical preparation. At the same time, Allen has demonstrated determination and persistence in previous fights. Given that both fighters are undefeated, the fight could be intense and thrilling until the last round. Personally, I give the edge to Imavov, considering his potential and form.
My prediction for this fight is Allen's victory. He is in good form, having won 4 out of his last 5 fights. He also has a high percentage of wins by stoppage. Although the bookmakers make him a big underdog, I consider him the favorite in this match. His striking power and technique should help him dominate the fight. Shevchenko is dangerous with knockouts, but I believe Allen will be able to avoid his dangerous strikes and impose his fighting style. Therefore, my prediction is Allen's victory, possibly by stoppage.