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Forecast: Moikan against an underestimated opponent with similar capabilities. Such an equal pair often leads to unpredictable and interesting battles. The main argument is the odds, which indicate a low estimation of one fighter's chances. However, it is important to remember that odds are not always an accurate indicator of the outcome. It is crucial for Moikan to avoid defeat in the first round, as it can impact the course of the fight later on.
Benoit Saint-Denis has demonstrated a high level of preparation and disciplined fighting in previous matches. Despite the loss to Poirier, he has the potential to come back and win. Moicano, although capable of extending the fight to later rounds, will likely lose to the experienced and determined Saint-Denis. Considering his fighting spirit and readiness for battle, I believe that Benoit Saint-Denis will win this fight, probably by knockout in the 2nd or 3rd round.