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In this fight, Nzecakvu is expected to win. He has the advantage in skill, arsenal of moves, and physical attributes - being younger, taller, and bigger than his opponent. This will be his debut fight in the heavyweight division, where he can showcase his striking power. His opponent, Chris Barnett, is at the twilight of his career and may struggle with excess weight. While Nzecakvu may sometimes make mistakes in fights, in this case, he has all the chances to win.
In the fight between Kennedy and Barnett, the loser will still be deserving, as they are both strong fighters. However, Kennedy may have shown inconsistent results in previous matches, while Barnett has experience and confidence. Considering this and their styles, it is more likely that Barnett will be able to use his skills and technique to win. Therefore, betting on Barnett's victory seems more rational and promising.