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(11:16, 22:18, 16:10)
The MongolZ

Matches of teams

Heroic - The MongolZ

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TO (2.5)

In this match between the teams "Heroic" and "TheMongolz", the clear favorite is "Heroic", who is on a winning streak and is considered one of the best teams in the world. However, it is worth noting that favorites often start their games somewhat relaxed and unfocused, which could give a chance to the new "TheMongolz" lineup. Additionally, TheMongolz have shown their strength in the qualifying matches, where they eliminated the team "Liquid". They displayed good gameplay and proved that they are worth paying attention to. The team has potential and motivation for a strong performance. While "Heroic" is the obvious favorite, it is not wise to completely underestimate "TheMongolz", as they have the potential to put up a fight and even take a map from a strong team. Of course, betting on "Heroic" is the safer option, but it may be worth considering a bet on one map for "TheMongolz" based on their motivation and potential. Taking all these factors into account, I predict a victory for "Heroic" but with the possibility of TheMongolz taking one map.

H1 (-1.5)

Forecast: Victory for the Heroic team in the match against TheMongolz. Based on the provided information, specifically about TheMongolz's weak performance in previous matches and the performance of the Heroic team, it can be concluded that Heroic is the clear favorite in this encounter. Heroic is the top-ranked team in the world and has shown excellent results in recent games. They have a long winning streak, which speaks to their consistency and high level of play. Additionally, the Heroic team does not have any substitutes, which gives them an advantage in team synergy. On the other hand, TheMongolz has not shown good results in previous games and does not have high rankings among teams. In this case, TheMongolz will be a lower-tier opponent for Heroic, and it will be difficult for them to compete against such a strong team. Based on the above, it can be predicted that Heroic will emerge victorious in this match. Their strong performance, consistency, and skill will likely allow them to close out the match in their favor.


Based on the given information, we can expect an interesting battle in the match between Heroic and the Mongols. Heroic are the clear favorites, but the Mongols have shown their strength by defeating ITB and Furia, as well as reaching overtime with Mousesports. Additionally, they have already taken one map from Heroic in Rio. The match is expected to be a tense fight, and the Mongols will do everything possible to win at least one map. They can use their cleverness and tactics to create problems for Heroic. However, Heroic is a more experienced and stronger team, and they have prepared seriously for this match. Although the Mongols may surprise with their actions and take one map, the likelihood of them winning the match is not high. Most likely, Heroic will be able to control the game and win the match with a score of 2-1. However, the Mongols will fight and try to create problems for the favorites, so this match could be quite interesting.

2:0 (2)

IEM Cologne 2023 Best of 3 (LAN) Grupo A cuartos de final del cuadro superior En este enfrentamiento, Heroic es el claro favorito contra TheMongolz. Heroic ha tenido un desempeño excepcional, demostrándose constantemente como uno de los mejores equipos del mundo. Han mostrado un gran trabajo en equipo, habilidad individual y profundidad estratégica en su juego. Por otro lado, TheMongolz ha tenido un buen desempeño en el torneo hasta ahora, pero carecen de la experiencia y nivel de habilidad en comparación con Heroic. No se han enfrentado a un oponente de tan alto calibre antes y es poco probable que puedan igualar a Heroic en todos los aspectos. Heroic ha dominado sus partidos, mostrando su superior control de mapa, uso de utilidades y desempeño individual. Tienen una dinámica de equipo bien coordinada, con cada jugador desempeñando su papel de manera efectiva. Son conocidos por su fuerte lado CT y su lado T agresivo, mostrando versatilidad en sus estrategias. En cuanto al pool de mapas, Heroic tiene una gama más amplia de mapas en los que se destacan, mientras que TheMongolz podría tener dificultades para encontrar comodidad en ciertos mapas. La capacidad de Heroic para adaptarse y contrarrestar las estrategias de sus oponentes les da una ventaja significativa en la selección de mapas. En general, el desempeño constante de Heroic, su experiencia y su nivel de habilidad les dan una clara ventaja en este enfrentamiento. TheMongolz puede presentar una lucha, pero es muy poco probable que puedan llevarse un solo mapa de Heroic. Por lo tanto, preveo una victoria cómoda de 2-0 para Heroic en este partido de cuartos de final.

Sports Analyst Predictions

2:0 (2)
H1 (-1.5)
TO (2.5)
H2 (1.5)
Win 1
TU (2.5)