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Today's match between Astralis and Liquid promises to be interesting. Astralis defeated Liquid 2-0 in their previous encounter, but currently Liquid seems stronger. Both teams have a good map pool, so a close match is expected. Astralis perform differently on LAN and online, which could affect the outcome. It's possible that each team will secure their preferred map picks, and the match will be decided in the decider. Overpass on maps is also possible, given the strength of both teams.
According to the analysis, Liquid's victory over Aurora was quite convincing, but the loss to ENCE was puzzling. Weak performance on Mirage weakens Astralis' position. Without Overpass, it is harder for the team to achieve success. Taking these factors into account, it can be assumed that Liquid has a good chance of winning. They can exploit Astralis' weaknesses and win the match. Aurora, while showing a good performance, will most likely lose to Liquid. Therefore, Liquid is predicted to win against Astralis and Aurora in the upcoming matches.
In this match between Astralis and Liquid, we can expect a dynamic battle. Despite Astralis having some issues and dropping a map to Aurore, they remain one of the top teams. Liquid also have the capability to win a map, given their strength and experience. However, I believe Astralis will ultimately prove stronger and win the match. Therefore, my prediction is a 2-1 victory for Astralis.