In the match between "UTA Arad" and "Politehnica Iasi", "Politehnica Iasi" is more likely to win. The team holds a higher position in the table, has better form and scoring ability. "UTA Arad" is struggling with wins and goals scored. In previous encounters, "Politehnica Iasi" showed more confident play and won two out of the last three matches. Betting on the away team's victory seems more logical and safe.
Домашняя статистика УТА Арад в сезоне 0-5-0
УТА Арад без побед в последних 5 играх.
Эрик Джохана Омонди получил больше всего желтых карточек (4) в УТА Арад. Стелиан Бордейану получил 4 в Политехника Яссы.